SeppLeaf, the gilder's source
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We are continually updating our stock list and certain items, as they become end-of-line or discontinued, will be added to the sales section below. So please check here for offers on gold leaf, silver leaf, metal leaf and gilding supplies. Strictly limited stocks are available at the following websites:

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Gilded Planet

SeppLeaf Products provides an unparalleled array of genuine gold leaf, silver leaf, palladium leaf, and metal leaf; gilding tools and supplies.

SeppLeaf Products distributes Liberon premium finishes, Kolcaustico Venetian plaster, Mixol Universal Tints, and Gold Gourmet edible genuine gold and silver.

SeppLeaf Products is a corporate member of the Society of Gilders.

© 2024   SeppLeaf Products, Inc.

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New York, NY 10016

Phone 212-683-2840

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